Beautycon Summer 2017 Box

Beautycon announced it was was closing at the beginning of the month and had a massive 75% off sale on all their inventory and past boxes. This meant the normal $35.99 boxes (including shipping) were only $8.75! The site ended up getting a lot of traffic, many people had issues ordering, and they sold out fast. I was lucky enough to snag two of the Summer 2017 boxes and one Fall 2016. The Summer 2017 Beautycon box ambassadors were Kim Thai and Aidette Cancino.

Items included in the Beautycon Summer 2017 Box:

This box has an astounding retail value of $136.61! That's a good snag for $35.99 but a downright steal at $8.75.

I chose this box because I have really been wanting to try the a silicone makeup sponge and a glass nail file, the cuticle oil comes in such a damn fine bottle that I will refill it and leave it on my vanity (once built), and those charcoal masks are pretty expensive. I will give all the products a try other than that Freeman peel-off mask and the ColourPop lipstick. At $8.75 I could resist and got two Summer 2017 boxes. I'll keep the doubles from the second box of the items I just mentioned and give away the rest.

When this box first came out I was totally surprised that a lot of people thought this was Beautycon's worst box, I think it is one of their best! Even the items I'm not stoked on are items/shades I would normally use. It may have been because the box wasn't as hyped on the curator's social media as previous boxes or that it lacked a cohesive theme however I think the value of this box both personally and monetarily exceeds all the other boxes (hence me buying 2 of these). It was Beautycon's last box though, so perhaps the perceived  lack of preparation and thoughtfulness was indicative of that shift. 

Did anyone else get anything from the Beautycon Flash sale?

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