One Lovely Blog Nomination

A couple of weeks ago Dee over at Stuff in a Powder Puff nominated me and 9 others for the One Lovely Blog Award.

That is so awesome, thanks Dee!

Now I can't really find any other rules other than A) mention who nominated you and link to the post, B) share 7 random facts about yourself,  and C) nominate 10 other blogs so I'm not going to feel odd about nominating her back because I love reading her posts!

First off - here's is Dee's original post

Here are the 7 random facts about me:
  1. I studied Anthropology in college.
  2. I have an aversion to sticky things, especially stickers or having sticky things or residue on my hands or belongings.
  3. I hate the snow but refuse to move out of Alaska.
  4. I do a lot of theater and dance performances in my local community.
  5. I am obsessed with pugs, and have one of my past pug's face tattooed on me.
  6. I did a photoshoot for a friend where I was drowning myself in a bathtub.
  7. I was a longterm Girl Scout as a youth, volunteered and worked at their camps, and led a special needs troop with my mother.
Photographic evidence of #6

Finally, my nominations for the One Lovely Blog Award are:
  1. Stuff in a Powder Puff
  2. Diana's Healthy Living
  3. Life in Lipstick
  4. Classy, Sassy, and a Lil' Bit Flashy
  5. Le Wendy
  6. Always Cleia
  7. Cat Flicks and Matte Lips
  8. Graceful Face
  9. Soobeautis
  10. fanserviced-b
Thank you again to Dee for the nomination!


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